Thursday, July 25, 2019

Preparation Post!

Hello, everyone! The time has come for another amazing medical mission trip opportunity to Guatemala!  We have, yet again, a great team of loving and caring Christian people ready to go out and serve the Lord! As we prepare to leave, we ask that you keep us in your prayers.  I will be posting (hopefully) daily updates on this page throughout our time in country.  I hope you will share this address with friends and family to continue the prayer chain! We also ask that you pray for the people in Guatemala that we will be serving, pray for our translators, our hosts, and all others we encounter and do not encounter there.  Prayers are the most powerful and beneficial thing you can provide while we are away and when we return home.  I know the entire team is beyond excited to be on our way to share Jesus' love with people of all ages, while also being able to serve them medically the best we can.

Stay tuned!