Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Clinic Day 4

Good morning!
Yesterday truly was an eye opening day. When we arrived at the village on the mountain, we could already tell it would be a different experience than the days before. The people seemed much more somber and skeptical of our arrival. We had to go down a few steep hills with all of our supplies to get to the building we would call our clinic. There were many stray dogs wandering around the clinic and surrounding area. There were very few people waiting in line to see the doctors, compared to the tens of people we usually have patiently waiting with smiles on their faces. Judging by the 15 people waiting for us, we were expecting to see only 20 people at the most, but God is Great! We ended the day seeing over 50 patients, many of which were mothers and children. One of our doctors was also able to perform a “surgery” of some sort! One lady had a growth on her arm which they removed and stitched up in our clinic.  After clinic, we went on a hike down and up the mountain for some amazing photo ops! We then returned to our vehicles and headed back to where we’ve been staying. When we arrived, there were many ladies from a local church all set up for us to buy some Guatemalan goods! There were so many beautiful items: shirts, skirts, bracelets, notebooks, toys, and so much more! After shopping, we played Tenzi, ate dinner, had our evening devotion, and headed to bed.
Although the day was emotionally taxing with seeing all the sad and sick people in that village, we are so very thankful for the opportunity to see those people and put smiles on their faces, give them the care and medication they need, and share God’s Good News with them!
Continue the prayers! We are going off to another village in the mountain again today!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus said, “Whatever you have done to the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto Me. . . Well done good and faithful servants!” Thank you for not shying away from the least!
    -Pastor Aker
